World News

world news

World news is the coverage of events that are beyond a single country’s borders. It may be sent by foreign correspondents, news agencies or – increasingly – by the Internet or other electronic communication technologies.

It is usually considered an important subfield of journalism, and is regarded as separate from “national” news. It includes the coverage of international affairs, such as wars and multilateral organizations.

The field of world journalism has its roots in the 17th century, when news papers were published by European cities. Most newspapers were aimed at merchants and bankers, so their reporters focused on events occurring abroad.

During this period, the first news agencies were founded. Today, many of these organizations are still in existence.

There are two primary types of journalists who cover world news: the foreign correspondent and the special envoy. A foreign correspondent is a full-time reporter who is employed by a news organization, while a special envoy is sent abroad to cover a particular subject on short notice.

Correspondents typically stay in touch with their local community and maintain contacts with other journalists and correspondents in order to identify strategic sources in the government, among diplomats and members of the military who may provide important information.

Global politics expert Sumantra Maitra joins Fox News to discuss the latest on the war in Sudan and a new report alleging that ISIS is using Afghanistan as a terror base.

Ukraine is making a determined last stand against Russia in the longest and bloodiest battle of its war. Moldova, a former Soviet Republic, has become an increasingly visible sideshow to Moscow’s war in Ukraine.