Causes of War


While the common people do not want war, it is often the leaders who decide if war is necessary. Leaders are often able to drag the people into the war because they can tell them that their nation is under attack, or they can denounce pacifists as not being patriotic enough. Let’s examine the causes of war. There are three primary causes of war:

Theories of war have undergone several phases over the last three centuries. After the wars of religion, wars became focused on the interests of individual sovereigns. Their scope and objectives tended to be limited. The art of maneuvering became decisive and analysis became increasingly focused on strategies. The French Revolution, however, changed the nature of war and broadened its goals and objectives. Although it was not entirely successful in ending the World Wars, it did result in a new understanding of war and its causes.

The consequences of war go far beyond the deaths of soldiers. Civil wars often affect civilian populations, and they suffer more casualties than professional soldiers. UN Women estimates that 90% of all deaths during contemporary conflicts involve civilians, including children and women. As well as death, war also leads to psychological trauma. And because war is a form of violence, rape is also a common weapon of war used to humiliate and dominate communities. Further, war is also highly damaging for societies, destroying civil rights.

The root of the Napoleonic wars lies in the French Revolution. After seizing power from a revolutionary government, Napoleon hoped to stabilize the country, which had been in turmoil for years. In the process, he ended up fighting other major European powers and a struggle to dominate Europe commenced. While these conflicts are often characterized by a lack of political will, they still represent a major threat to human life. However, in many ways, the wars are inevitable.

War is an inevitable consequence of economic development. Most wars begin with a dispute between countries or groups within a country. While the causes of war are complex and often arbitrary, economists and historians have linked it to economic development. Economic historians have studied state-building, fiscal capacity, and development economists have applied this theory to many conflicts. Increasing mobility of capital and information also makes the counter arguments less valid. In addition, relative wealth can also lead to war.

Although the United States Constitution does not explicitly prohibit the use of force in war, the president has the authority to do so without a declaration. The Western tradition says that war must be justified – a concept that goes back to the early Christian philosophers. As a result, just war theories are an important part of international law. In addition to the laws of war, these theories also govern the use of force, the conduct of hostilities, and the protection of victims of war.

Many modern theories about war differ greatly. Some attribute war to innate psychological factors, while others attribute it to social institutions and relationships. Both schools have their proponents and opponents. A number of philosophers have advanced theories in this area, including St. Augustine and Benedict de Spinoza. For example, one school argues that war results from a general desire for war. The second school argues that war is caused by leaders who are not benevolent towards human life.