Causes of Conflict and How to Deal With It


Conflict is a struggle between two or more parties based on differing principles and opinion. It occurs constantly in society, whether it is personal, political, class, or caste based. And while conflict is always present in every country, there are many factors that contribute to the occurrence of conflict. Here are some of the common causes of conflict.

Emotional awareness: To effectively deal with conflict, you must be aware of your own emotions and the feelings of others. This helps you to deal with each other’s feelings in a more mature and respectful way. Many people try to suppress or avoid their strong emotions, but this is the wrong approach. It is important to connect with your feelings when handling conflict, because if you don’t, it will be hard to manage the conflict at hand.

Nature-Man Conflict: Another type of conflict is the conflict between man and nature. In this case, the protagonist struggles against nature to achieve his goal. Examples of man-versus-nature stories include the classic Moby Dick novel. In this story, an African American folk hero, John Henry, is a steel-driver on a railroad. The white whale, however, is portrayed as a powerful, impersonal force of nature.

Character Development: Developing conflict is one of the key aspects of writing a novel. It reveals a protagonist’s character by defining how he or she chooses to overcome it. This type of conflict is essential for a story, and it can be a great way to make your story more compelling.

The theory of conflict assumes that there are inequalities of power within social structures and relationships. This means that some individuals develop power over others, while others remain powerless. The theory also argues that groups that benefit from a certain social structure will typically work to maintain it. It is also important to remember that the majority of conflict occurs because of differences in values.

Conflict is a natural part of society. It can be positive or negative, and can happen between the protagonist and antagonist. It drives the story forward and keeps it interesting. It can also be an expression of different ideologies or perspectives. When a protagonist is in conflict with an antagonist, the protagonist is likely to lose his or her humanity.

Ultimately, conflict resolution requires forgiveness and letting go of the desire to punish. The act of punishing others is exhausting and depletes people’s energy. This is why it is so important to use all of the resources available to you to resolve conflict. Public health advocacy can help you resolve conflicts. This approach can lead to an increased sense of empathy between the two parties.

Conflict Analysis is a social and intellectual process that can help you identify underlying assumptions and identify opportunities for conflict resolution. There are various analytical tools that are used for this purpose and each method should be chosen to suit your situation.