Causes of the World War

world war

The world war was a huge conflict that lasted from 1914 to 1918. It involved many different countries around the globe and it is one of the bloodiest conflicts in history.

It was caused by four major trends: Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism. These were all factors that contributed to the war’s start and spread.

Militarism: Governments were trying to build bigger and better military forces. They did this by raising money and spending it on new weapons.

Imperialism: Some of the countries in the war were trying to gain power over other countries. For example, Russia hoped to gain control over the Straits of Dardanelles and Britain wanted to get control over parts of the Ottoman Empire.

Alliances: There were military agreements between countries called alliances. These helped to fight wars together.

Nationalism: There was a strong feeling of national pride in most nations. This encouraged them to want to fight against their enemies.

They also had high hopes for winning the war. They believed that they could defeat their enemies by massing a large number of men and sending them out to battle.

In the beginning, this worked but over time it did not work as well. The enemy became more powerful and the troops were pushed to their physical and emotional limits.

This caused the war to become a big disaster. It killed millions of people. It split the world into two opposing military alliances, the Central Powers and the Allies. The Allies were led by Great Britain, France, Belgium and Russia. They were joined by Japan, Romania and China.