Fascinating Facts About Russia


Two-thirds of Russia’s landmass is covered by water, with the northern coast above the Arctic Circle. The port of Murmansk is sheltered by the Gulf Stream, which keeps it locked in ice year round. As a result, 13 seas and two oceans wash over Russian shores. The country shares a maritime boundary with Japan. Here are some fascinating facts about the country’s climate and geography.

In the twentieth century, the country produced many world-renowned artists and musicians, including Alexander Scriabin, Igor Stravinsky, and Sergei Rachmaninoff. And Russia is home to some of the world’s greatest pianists, such as Vladimir Ashkenazy and Anton Rubinstein. In addition to famous composers, the country is known for its literary talent and a rich history. In fact, Leo Tolstoy is widely considered one of the greatest writers of all time.

In the late nineteenth century, the Soviet Union granted autonomy to eighty-three federal subjects, two autonomous federal cities, twenty-one republics, and four autonomous districts. Of these, forty-six provinces are the most common unit of government. There are four autonomous districts, one autonomous oblast (a region), and Moscow is the largest city. The oblasts each have a governor appointed by the central government. The krais are autonomous regions with their own legislatures, but the governorship is an elected position. In the 1990s, the oblasts had their own elected representatives in their krais. As a result, the oblasts and krais lacked the autonomy of their own governments.

The former Soviet Union officially ended the Cold War. However, the country’s economy has undergone a dramatic transformation since then. While the country is undergoing rapid economic development, there is evidence of cooperation between Russia and the West. For example, the Russian President has called climate change “the gravest challenge humanity faces.” Additionally, the U.S. and Russian space agencies continue to work together. In fact, recently they announced plans to construct a new space station in coordination.

A country’s geography reflects its history. Its climate is similar to that of the rest of Europe, but the two regions are essentially separated. While the Russian peninsula is generally mountainous, it is not arid. Most people in the country live in the west, with the exception of the north. During the Soviet period, the Crimean War was declared. In the 19th century, Russia began acquiring territories in the Ottoman Empire.

The country’s geography is diverse. Most of the area is covered by tundra landscapes, which are harsh and make agriculture difficult. It is divided by mountains in the west. The Ural Mountains form the dividing line between the European and Eurasian parts of Russia. Across the border, the European plains stretch for about two thousand miles. On the western end, Kaliningrad forms a ring between Poland and Lithuania. The Baltic Sea separates Russia from the countries that surround it.