Four Ways to Use Conflict in a Novel

When writing a novel, one of the key elements is conflict. It introduces contrasting goals, wants, or belief systems in the protagonist. Conflict forces the protagonist to question his or her own beliefs. Without conflict, there is no underlying motivation for a character’s actions or desires. As a result, the novel’s protagonist often faces challenges they cannot handle alone. Here are four ways to use conflict in a novel:

In fiction, conflict occurs when the protagonist wants something and the other characters want something different. The conflict can be caused by other characters, the world, or the protagonist’s own shadow. Regardless of the cause, there must be some sort of conflict. It’s vital for a novel to have conflict, as without it, the plot is unsatisfying. And without conflict, the reader isn’t interested. If the reader isn’t emotionally invested in the protagonist, there will be no sense of connection to the story.

In addition to racial and ethnic origins, conflicts can be based on class, caste, international, or personal reasons. Some types of conflicts can be intellectual, in which case academic recognition may be a major motive. This type of conflict is a subclass of cultural conflict and tends to escalate over time. Academic recognition may not be a significant motive for conflict. However, there is still a good chance for conflict resolution through open dialogue.

The causes of conflict are usually two-fold. The first is the structural cause. These factors are deeply embedded in society. Ultimately, the consequences of conflict are often negative, such as breakups. The second type is the proximate cause, which can lead to heightened conflict and escalation. This type of conflict can be both theoretical and practical. The best way to resolve it is through mutual understanding and trust. That way, conflict can be transformed into a constructive, positive experience.

When conflict is inevitable, it is important to consider your own position. Take the time to understand the position of your opponent and the logic behind their position. Consider their interests and their criticisms. If possible, make it your goal to understand the other side’s perspective and approach. Once you have gained a good understanding of your opponent’s position, you can begin to brainstorm solutions. Ideally, your solution will address the interests of both parties. This way, you can avoid the pitfalls that conflict can cause.

In short, conflict is the result of a difference in perceptions, beliefs, or thought processes. It can lead to heated arguments, physical abuse, or the breakdown of harmony and peace. The effects of conflict can be devastating to relationships, friendships, and even societies. Even between states or countries, conflicts can result in major unrest and wars. So, there are a number of ways to avoid conflict in a novel. But, the first step is to understand the causes and consequences of conflict.