Conflict is one of the most powerful forces in the human world. It’s what drives characters to begin making choices that form the backbone of their story and can cause them to grow or break apart. Whether your protagonist is facing an antagonist they’re at odds with or fighting against an impersonal force, conflict is what gives a story momentum.
In order for a conflict to occur, there must be a set of conditions that are present. These conditions can be as simple as people having different opinions or as complex as a full-scale war. The first condition that needs to be in place is frustration. Frustration can be caused by a wide range of things including failure to achieve performance goals, not being given a raise or promotion, competing with others for scarce resources, or even new policies or rules that impact an employee’s job.
When people feel frustrated, they often want to lash out in anger. This can lead to verbal conflict and arguments. It can also lead to people gossiping about other employees and creating a toxic work environment. To prevent conflict, managers must ensure that their teams are working well together and addressing any differences as soon as they arise.
Once a conflict has started, there are three phases to it: the differentiation phase, the escalation phase, and the resolution phase. In the differentiation phase, each individual begins to voice their disagreement with others. In this stage, it is important to listen to all sides of the argument and understand the other person’s perspective. This will help individuals come to a compromise and avoid the escalation phase. It is essential to remember that everyone has a unique point of view and the truth can be subjective.
During this phase, individuals start to see each other as enemies and it is common for people to make threats or become physically aggressive. This can escalate to a full-scale war, but it is important to stop the cycle at this point and find a resolution before it gets out of hand.
In this phase, you will need to sit down with each individual involved in the conflict and discuss their concerns. Ask them to identify what they need from the other. Brainstorm a list of possible solutions to the problem and star the ones that are most beneficial to both parties. Once a solution has been agreed upon, it is important to stick with it.
Conflict is a necessary part of life, but it can be disruptive to your business if left unchecked. Trying to ignore it will only make the situation worse. Addressing conflicts as they emerge will prevent them from growing into full-scale wars and causing damage to your organization.