How to Deal With Conflict in Your Workplace

Conflict is a key element of storytelling that provides your protagonist with obstacles to overcome. Typically, conflict introduces opposing belief systems or wants. It also shows your reader a different worldview. Without conflict, a story would be dull and lifeless.

Conflict can be caused by a lack of communication, differences in viewpoints or personal attacks. It can also be the result of a power struggle or an inability to compromise. In business, conflicts can be fueled by personality differences, disputes over job roles, poor management, a breakdown in the company’s internal systems, or a merger or acquisition. In addition, conflict can be brought on by unintentional slights and annoying habits that rub people the wrong way.

When it comes to workplace conflicts, it is important to recognize what is causing the problem. Once the causes are identified, you can take steps to correct them. For example, if you and your coworkers are having trouble communicating effectively, try setting aside time to meet with each other individually and talk about the issues.

It’s important to be objective during this process and not let your emotions get in the way of reaching a resolution. Brainstorm ideas for solutions and then select one that benefits both sides the most. It may be helpful to bring in an objective third party to mediate the meeting.

Some conflicts can be difficult to resolve because they bring up old grievances that haven’t been resolved. For instance, if you are having a dispute with someone at work, it may bring up lingering frustrations from previous conflicts that were never addressed. In that case, you might have to prioritize working through those issues instead of focusing on resolving the current conflict.

Once you’ve reached a solution, make sure both parties follow through on it. Otherwise, the conflict could resurface in the future. For example, if you and your colleague come up with an agreement to communicate more effectively but don’t actually implement that plan, the conflict will still be present in the future.

In addition to resolving current conflicts, it’s important to pick your battles carefully and not waste energy on things that aren’t important. For instance, it might not be worth arguing over who should get the last parking space.

Conflict is an important part of any story because it creates tension and keeps the audience engaged. It can also be used to show a character’s strength and courage in the face of adversity. Using conflict can also help the reader understand a character’s values, beliefs and motivations. Conflict isn’t always a bad thing, but it’s important to know how to recognize and address it when it arises in the workplace. Otherwise, it can stifle productivity and damage team morale. Ignored conflicts tend to fester and resurface at inopportune times. The best way to avoid this is by addressing conflicts as soon as they arise. Leaving them unchecked can lead to toxic workplace environments and even lawsuits.