How to React Calmly to Conflict


When faced with conflict, people often react instinctively. While it can be tempting to take the easy way out and react violently, you should try to remain calm and avoid being reactive. There are three basic types of behavior in conflict: passive, aggressive, and assertive. Passive behavior involves accepting everyone’s point of view, while aggressive or authoritarian behavior involves asserting your own ideas and opinions. In most cases, this approach will work much better.

During a conflict, the characters have opposing worldviews and goals. Conflict shows us how our characters view the world around them. We may not understand our own goals, but our beliefs and desires influence our actions. Hence, we often feel compelled to resolve the conflict as quickly as possible. In the end, the conflict brings about a new understanding between the two parties. And that is the main point of conflict! Conflict helps us grow as human beings.

Some conflicts have a fixed course. Initial conflict occurs when disagreements and heated arguments start to surface. Later, the conflict will escalate to the differentiation stage where the participants attempt to understand the opposing side’s viewpoint and consider solutions to the conflict. Often, once the conflict reaches the resolution stage, the parties are able to get back to routine group interactions. A more effective method is to involve a third party. They can help resolve conflicts and facilitate better teamwork.

A common type of literary conflict is man vs. self. In fiction, this kind of conflict often occurs when the protagonist has to decide between his or her desires and the demands of a superior force. This type of conflict is most common between the protagonist and antagonist. It is sometimes combined with a conflict between friends, but can also arise when the protagonist must decide between the two. In some cases, the conflict will involve the two characters fighting against each other.

Understanding each other’s emotional state can help you understand the other party. It can help you make informed decisions. Assuming that someone is feeling distressed, you can assess how to best address this situation. Using nonverbal signals to make your point will help you build trust and get to the root of the problem. A positive body language can be an effective way to diffuse tense exchanges. It is important to recognize the emotional state of the other person in order to avoid escalating them.

As with any form of story, the conflict in fiction is important. This is because it helps readers connect with the characters and the story. It creates problems in a plot that forces both protagonists to try to achieve their goals. The protagonists may face a conflict with their adversaries, but they must still work together in order to succeed. As long as the characters can work together, the conflict is an essential element of fiction writing. If they can’t cooperate, the story will suffer, but the reader will still be engaged in the story.