Conflict is a state of tension between people or groups who have opposing goals. It can arise from a variety of situations, including differences in beliefs and attitudes, competing interests, or social and economic issues.
The Conflict Process
There are several steps to resolving a conflict. These include:
1. Determine underlying need
The first step in the conflict resolution process is to discover what a person’s underlying need is for. This will help you to generate win-win options.
2. Establish an open meeting with both parties
It is important to get all parties involved in a conflict together for a discussion about their feelings. Once they have that chance to openly express themselves, they will be more likely to listen to each other’s perspectives and work toward a solution.
3. Let them air their grievances
It’s crucial to give everyone an equal chance to voice their concerns and feelings without being shut down or criticized. This is especially true if they are from different backgrounds and have different ideas about what’s best for the team.
4. Be a listening ear
It is also critical to listen attentively to both sides of the dispute and to their reasons for expressing their feelings. A good way to do this is to set aside some time for them to talk without interruption and ask them questions about their concerns.
5. Don’t blame anyone
It can be tempting to assign blame for a disagreement, but it is important to avoid doing so. It can often escalate a conflict, as it will take up more of the person’s energy and may make them feel like they are being yelled at.
6. Find common ground
The best way to resolve a conflict is to find common ground and build on that. This is often difficult, but it can be done by identifying areas of shared interest between the parties involved.
7. Create a plan for resolution
Once the parties have found a mutually acceptable solution, they must stick to that agreement and monitor progress. This will be helpful in determining whether or not the conflict has been resolved and to track any barriers that might have appeared during the process.
8. Accountability
Providing accountability can be a great way to ensure that the people who worked hard to resolve the issue are still on track. This is especially helpful after you have put a clear and effective conflict-resolution process in place, so that people can be held accountable for the outcome.
9. Don’t be afraid of conflict
It is natural for people to fear conflict, but if this fear becomes an ingrained part of your life, it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you have early traumas that left you feeling powerless or out of control, this can affect your ability to deal with conflict in a healthy manner. It’s a good idea to seek out support from a professional if you find yourself avoiding confrontation or resolving disputes by shutting down or blowing up in anger.