How to Resolve a Conflict


A conflict is when a person or group of people are feeling frustrated because they can’t agree on something. This can be anything from a work-related issue to a personal matter, such as a dispute over marriage or a divorce.

In order to resolve a conflict, it’s important to know what causes it. Knowing this will help you determine the best course of action to take when it’s time to talk about it.

Stage 1: Frustration

One of the most common sources of conflict is frustration over performance goals, lack of promotion opportunities, poor management, or other issues that a team feels are holding them back. It can also be triggered by changes in internal systems, mergers, acquisitions, and layoffs.

It can also be triggered by a person’s perception that their boss is treating them unfairly or discriminatory.

When these types of issues come up, it’s important to take the time to discuss them with each other and address them as soon as possible. This will prevent the conflict from escalating and damaging the workplace environment.

Avoid blaming the other party or putting them on the defensive, as this will only add to the problem. Instead, try to focus on the other person’s needs and make them feel heard.

Share your concerns and let them know that you are willing to work together to find a solution. If possible, schedule a face-to-face meeting so that the two of you can have an honest conversation.

Keep in mind that it may be difficult to open up during a conflict, but it is worth the effort. If you’re able to do so, it will make the process much more successful and less likely to escalate into a physical fight or emotional outburst.

Stage 2: Conceptualization

In this stage of the process, both parties will begin to understand what’s happening and what they want out of the situation. This will usually take a while, as both sides must set aside their differences and preferences in order to identify a mutually acceptable solution.

If the two parties can’t reach an agreement at this point, it may be necessary to go through a more structured mediation process or other type of conflict resolution. If you decide to do this, it’s a good idea to ask for feedback from the parties involved after the discussion to see if the conflict was resolved appropriately.

Stage 3: Resolution

After a reasonable resolution has been reached, it’s important to follow up with the parties involved to make sure the solution is working and if not, to brainstorm new ideas for alternative solutions. This can be done through surveys, face-to-face conversations, or even joint debriefs.

Ultimately, it’s important to recognize that conflict is an inevitable part of the work environment. If you know how to deal with it, however, you’ll be able to create an environment that is healthy, productive, and enjoyable for all.