Identifying Conflict and How to Deal With It


Conflict is a clash of opposing forces. It occurs when a character is trying to achieve a goal but is facing opposition from another character, society, technology, nature or even supernatural powers like fate and deities.

There are two main types of conflict in stories: external and internal. The former is triggered by an external force, such as society or another character; the latter is a challenge to the protagonist’s own psyche, usually caused by their mental health.

The difference between the two types of conflict is in how they impact the character and their journey. For example, a person’s journey might include conflict with their own inner voice, or they might face a struggle to overcome an addiction.

It is important to understand that conflict is a natural part of life, and when it is handled in a healthy way, it can strengthen relationships and increase understanding. However, if it is handled poorly, conflict can lead to irreparable damage and rifts.

Identifying Conflict and How to Deal with It

Every human being is born into this world thinking differently than others. This makes us prone to disagreeing with each other, especially when we have different opinions on something.

In order to successfully handle a conflict, we need to understand our feelings. It’s easy to rely on logic and rationale when confronting issues, but it’s essential to be connected to your emotions.

We can learn to control our thoughts and actions, avoiding impulsive reactions and negative behaviors that can escalate conflict. This can help us stay calm, cool and collected as we discuss disagreements and work to resolve them.

It’s also important to listen actively to your feelings and to understand what the other person is saying. Avoid using inflammatory language, such as exaggerations and harsh words, that can escalate the situation.

If you’re in a position to do so, consider speaking out and making your opinion heard. This can be a great way to show that you’re not alone in your beliefs, and can be a valuable tool for building trust.

When it comes to conflict, it’s important to remember that it’s often easier to fight for what you believe in than to change what you don’t. For example, if you believe that your country’s treatment of its people is unjust, you may choose to fight for the rights and freedoms of those impacted by it.

You should also realize that it’s a good idea to choose your battles wisely, so that you don’t waste your time or energy on issues that aren’t worth the effort. In some situations, you might not be able to do anything about the problem, so it might be better to walk away and move on with your life.

The conflict that your characters face in their stories can reveal a lot about them, as it will shape the choices they make and determine their path. This is why you need to take the time to craft the most compelling conflict for your story.