Russian Vs Ukraine Could Be the Most Devastating Conflict in Europe Since World War II

Russian Vs Ukraine

A Russian Vs Ukraine war could be the most devastating conflict in Europe since World War II. And this is a war that may affect the US-EU relationship in the long term.

While it is impossible to predict what the outcome will be, Russia and Ukraine are unlikely to be able to achieve lasting control over each other. Fortunately, there are peaceful solutions available. In fact, the recent Ukrainian election was largely shaped by hopes of ending the Donbas conflict.

Until seven years ago, Kyiv’s armed forces were struggling to mount a credible response to Russia’s invasion. The Ukrainian government has already lost more than a thousand civilians to Russian gunfire and missiles, while thousands more are still being wounded in hospitals.

A Russian Vs Ukraine escalation could result in the loss of thousands more. The cost to the global economy could be disastrous.

The Russian Ministry of Defense does not deny the date of the armed aggression. However, the Russian media is ablaze with information about missiles and nuclear capabilities.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly made the case that Ukrainians and Russians share a ‘one people’ mentality. He has also lauded the virtues of the Soviet era.

The current Russian vs Ukraine conflict is a complicated matter that entails political, cultural and linguistic differences. However, many Ukrainians speak Russian and Ukrainian has a vocabulary similar to that of its more eastern cousin.

The war has brought together Ukrainian citizens from all regions and backgrounds. It has even reinforced the identity split between the country’s Russian and Ukrainian populations.