Taking Action Against the Coming War


As the war raged across Europe and Asia, the world was forced to make radical changes to its economic systems. As food, clothing and shelter became scarcer, the ravages of the war left people struggling to survive in an increasingly harsh environment. Sixty million people died during the war, leaving countless families with unimaginable loss and emotional scars. Even those who did not lose loved ones were still forced to deal with the hardships of displacement, poverty and deprivation.

Contemporary theories of war divide roughly into two major schools. One school attributes war to certain innate biological and psychological factors or drives, drawing inspiration from the behaviour of animals. The other school argues that it is a result of certain social relations and institutions. This second school includes optimists and pessimists concerning the preventability of war.

Regardless of the underlying cause, it is clear that any war is not simply a “battle between forces,” but is a struggle between different interests. In other words, the fight for survival is not the only thing that makes war a necessary and inevitable evil; it also stems from a fundamental misalignment between policy and the nature of the means used to achieve the desired outcome.

When a political object calls for war, the original motive must naturally be given first and foremost consideration in the conduct of the war, as far as the nature of the forces exploding in it will permit. This principle is not to be confused with a despotic lawgiver, however, for the human will does not derive its impulse from logical subtleties.

In the course of history, there have been many instances where the desire for power and the fear of encirclement have led to conflict. The most extreme case was the Second World War, which killed sixty million people, and left nearly every family feeling the sting of loss.

There are a number of ways in which we can take action against the upcoming war and try to stop it from happening. The most important is to form a group that will work together, and come up with a set of beliefs and goals. This will be the foundation for the work your group will do in the future.

Once you have formed your group, it is time to start spreading the word and attracting attention. Create a website, post signs and flyers, and go out into public spaces to speak about your beliefs. Organize and attend protests, as well. This is the best way to attract public attention and get people to support your cause. The more people that know about your group, the better your chances of getting them to sign a petition or join your movement. You can also contact local organizations, such as schools or churches, and see if they would be willing to host a meeting. They may be more receptive to your cause if it is a local issue. Lastly, you can also donate money to charities that are working to end the war and help those in need.