The Arctic Region of Russia


Although the country is largely unpopulated, it does have a large amount of natural resources. Its northern region, known as Siberia, is home to vast amounts of oil, timber, diamonds, and natural gas. Russia is also rich in gold and silver. These resources are awaiting extraction. As Russia transitions from a Communist state into a global player, it will be important to address this resource. There are many reasons to be concerned about the potential for economic growth in this region.

The current asymmetrical federation has three levels of government: federal, regional, and republic. The federation is composed of nine federal regions and twelve regions. Each of the regions has varying powers, which depend on their size and economic power. The republics were originally given authority through bilateral treaties, which were terminated after a few years. In the 1990s, the Putin administration gradually eroded the autonomy of these regional entities. Except for Chechnya, all power is now vested in the Russian Federal Government.

The Russian Arctic is home to a huge number of permafrost ecosystems. The soil is permanently frozen, but may thaw near the surface during the short summer season. In the Kamchatka Peninsula, the land is mountainous, with more than one hundred active volcanoes. This is one of the most active geological areas on the Pacific Rim. While the country is considered to be cold-weather-prone, the summer season is still long enough to see some life.

The Russian Federation is a largely rural country. The population is mostly based in rural areas, but the country also has many cities, including Moscow. Most of the region is covered by forests and wetlands. As such, the government has a strong presence in the northern regions. In addition, the government of Russia continues to work on the infrastructure of the country. The economy has been in decline for several years, and the U.S. is currently facing serious financial problems.

In the 18th century, Russia was ruled by the tsars, who ruled the country from a centralized, centrally-planned regime. During the Soviet Union’s rule, many of the country’s tsars were forced into labor slavery. The Soviets fought for the right to self-determination for Crimean Tatars and for their nation. In the late 19th century, the Russian monarchy was overthrown, and the nation fell into the Cold War.

The Russian economy is one of the largest in the world. Its vast natural resources power the country’s economy. Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and manufacturing make up the main industries of the country. However, oil and natural gas are the top sources of Russia’s wealth. Apart from these, Russia is the second largest exporter of military weapons in the world. But how does this affect its economy? Firstly, it is a major resource-rich nation, with extensive reserves of mineral and other resources.