The Benefits of Conflict in the Workplace


Conflict is a natural part of human interaction. When handled in a healthy manner, it is a necessary step to reaching solutions that are best for everyone involved. However, when handled poorly, it can cause irreparable rifts, resentment and even break ups. Identifying and addressing conflict as it arises in the workplace can save a lot of time, energy, stress and emotional upset not to mention a huge amount of lost productivity.

The most obvious benefit of conflict is that it forces people to think about issues and situations in new ways. Whether it is in the form of a heated argument or a discussion of opposing viewpoints, conflict can often reveal aspects of an issue that were previously overlooked. This new information can lead to better solutions or a more thorough understanding of the issue at hand.

Another benefit of conflict is that it can be an opportunity to develop better communication skills. People who are not comfortable discussing their differences may avoid conflict entirely, which can lead to frustration and resentment over time. A good way to address this type of tension is by encouraging open communication and building trust among team members.

Finally, conflict can also be an opportunity to generate new ideas and innovations. Throughout history, the process of conflict and disagreement has been instrumental in developing many major inventions, including computers, automobiles and airplanes. The process of arguing and discussing ideas with other people allows individuals to test the validity and strength of their own perceptions, and can even cause them to completely change their view point altogether.

In fiction writing, conflict is a vital element that can help to create a well-rounded character. To have conflict, the protagonist must be pursuing his or her main desire in opposition to forces of antagonism, which can be other characters, family, friends, colleagues, or internalized thoughts and beliefs. The more powerful these forces are, the greater the conflict and the more rounded the character.

Conflict in the workplace can reveal deeper problems that need to be addressed, which can be beneficial for a business as a whole. For example, a conflict may reveal that an employee is experiencing burnout or that management needs to revise certain policies and procedures. Rather than ignoring these issues, it is best to address them right away before they escalate into a larger problem that is more difficult to manage. When employees are confident that their managers will listen to them and take their concerns seriously, they are more likely to communicate their concerns openly and work together to find a solution. This in turn will help to build a stronger and more productive company. 1. Separate the person from the problem: Instead of blaming the person, try to see the situation from their perspective and recognize that their behavior is not personal or intentional. This will make the situation much more manageable and hopeful for both parties. 2. Identify the key elements of the conflict: Review the brainstorming results and highlight any common themes that emerge, such as ideas on how to resolve the conflict.