The First World War, also known as WWI, began on 28 July 1914. The conflict ended eleven months later on 11 November 1918. This article will cover some of the major factors that caused the war. A good place to start is with an overview of what World War I was all about. What exactly happened? What can we learn from it? And how does this impact our lives today? Here are some tips. You may also be interested in learning about the impact of World War I on modern society.
The outbreak of World War I was the result of a series of events that occurred around the same time. The Russians had a large army and began a process of industrialization. Austria-Hungary and Germany were afraid of the Russians and therefore formed an alliance. They wanted to protect themselves from the Russian bear. This alliance lasted for almost two years. Its purpose was to deter other nations from war with their own people.
In June 1941, Germany launched the BARBAROSSA offensive. The Germans had three million men on the eastern flank of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was shattered by the war. Meanwhile, Italian forces had been forced to surrender in Somaliland and Abyssinia by the end of May. In the following months, Hitler began to focus on the invasion of the USSR, which caused Italy to seek an armistice. By the end of September, the Central Powers’ Italian front collapsed, and the Commonwealth had lost 70% of its industrial infrastructure.