There are many ramifications from the invasion of Ukraine. While the latest news is filled with minute-by-minute reports of the Russian military assaults, it is important to remember that the conflict in Ukraine isn’t a mere “regular war.” The situation in Ukraine will continue to change the world and we can only pray for a peaceful solution. This article explores the ramifications of the invasion on Ukraine and how the U.S. can help.
In 2004, a crucial presidential election took place in Ukraine. Pro-Western candidate Yushchenko was accused of using dioxin during the election campaign, but pro-Russian candidate Viktor Yanukovych emerged as the winner. After the election, a popular uprising erupted. Protests swept the country, and eastern Ukraine threatened to secede. Ultimately, Yushchenko was elected president in a rerun.
The Carpathian Mountains are a truly national symbol. Shared by seven countries, the mountains offer some spectacular hiking, mountain biking, and winter sports. While traveling by train in Ukraine is not as popular as flying by plane, bus connections between major cities throughout the country are excellent. Popular routes are Moscow – Kiev, Minsk – Kiev, Krakow – Kiev, and Kosice & Uzhgorod. In the past three decades, Ukraine has worked hard to find the right balance between Western institutions and independence.
Ukrainian rivers are the main source of water. In addition to the Dnepr, Dniester, and the Donbas, Ukraine is home to several navigable rivers. Its rivers are primarily used to transport goods, as well as for water supply and hydroelectricity. All of the larger rivers of Ukraine have hydroelectric plants situated on them. A study in the U.S. revealed that the population of Ukraine is increasing and there are several reasons for this.
The word “Ukraine” comes from Slavic root words meaning frontier, edge, border, or outlands. The country has been a source of borders and mixing of ethnicities. The people who lived in Ukraine today are mixed from many different ethnicities. Religious boundaries were also a problem. Orthodox and Catholic Christian churches were dominant, but Islam and Christianity eventually made their way into the country. The Cossack statelet gradually became a Russian vassal state.
Despite this recent development, the past of the Ukraine and the conflict between the U.S. and Russia is rife with historical confusion. The emergence of Russian language and culture in the late 1700s is the result of two opposing sets of interpretations of history. Although this may have been the case for centuries, it is important to remember that Russia created modern Ukraine. Its first inhabitants were the Kyivan Rus, a Scandinavian tribe and the ancestors of Russia. In the centuries following, Ukraine was absorbed by Poland, Lithuania, and the Russian Empire. It was also absorbed by Austria-Hungary and the Russian Empire. A short recognition of independence led to Ukrainian nationalist movements.
After World War I, the Russian Empire annexed western Ukraine. Russification forced the Ukrainians to convert to Russian Orthodox religion and stop speaking their native language. This forced many people to leave their homeland and flee to the US. It’s no surprise that the Soviet Union has a history of violent conflicts. Even a peaceful settlement is not guaranteed, so Ukraine is a difficult place to visit. Its history is one that deserves our attention.