This Week in World News

World News is the term that is used in journalism to describe news that takes place outside of a country. This category also includes news about international events and conferences. The field of World News is one of the oldest areas of specialization for journalists, as it was an important aspect of the first newspaper publications in Europe in the 17th century, when the notion of nation-states was still developing.

Generally speaking, there are two types of reporters who specialize in world news: a foreign correspondent (who is a full-time reporter assigned to a particular region or country) and a special envoy sent to cover a specific event or topic. In some cases, the distinction between World News and other forms of journalism is blurred; for example, war coverage may be considered world news even in the media of belligerent countries themselves.

This Week in World News

The alleged poisoning of a former Russian spy in Britain is a major story, but it’s just one of many big headlines this week. Meanwhile, millions of Sudanese civilians face a crisis as the country teeters on the edge of civil war and Russia ends a deal that allowed Ukrainian ports to export food.

In addition, a first-of-its-kind fossil discovery in China suggests that some early mammals hunted dinosaurs. A new study finds that people are more likely to be tasered by police officers in the US than in other countries. Plus, luxury fashion brand Gucci is announcing the resignation of its president and CEO later this year. And, a Swedish mining company has found the largest deposit in Europe of rare earths — essential materials that are used in everything from e-vehicles to wind turbines.