Understanding War and Its Implications


War and its aftermath has grave consequences on people and the environment. Health systems and education suffer, as do supplies of food and water. The legal system is weakened and freedom of speech is restricted. Accountability for state abuses diminishes or even disappears during war. Human rights of women, children, minorities and refugees are particularly compromised.

In addition to the loss of lives, wars also decrease the birth rate. During World War II, about 20 million births were prevented because of the reduced birth rate. Children are considered potential enemies, which makes war more dangerous. In addition, they lack a clear concept of death and are often subjected to atrocities that would not be tolerated by adults.

Some think war is a matter of economic competition. In the past, it was a matter of nation-states battling each other. But the terrorist attacks of September 11 changed the world’s perception of war. In the past, wars were viewed as a conflict between nation-states, and between city-states.

Contemporary war theories divide into two distinct schools. One is based on philosophical and political theories, while the other is based on economic and technological considerations. Both schools include pessimists and optimists. Psychologists and ethologists have contributed to these theories. But no single school has come up with the definitive explanation for war.

War has many dimensions, and strategic leaders must understand this in an expansive way. To do this, we must take a look at how war occurs in a global society. We must consider the complex characteristics of war, who engages in it, and how wars affect future societies. By doing this, we can build strategies to prevent future wars.

The first major Cold War military action occurred on the Korean peninsula in 1954, which resulted in the deaths of five million Koreans. Eventually, the peninsula was split in two, South Korea and North Korea. There was also a conflict on the Indochinese peninsula. French forces supported by the U.S. fought Vietnamese forces. It subsequently settled into a short hiatus.

Propaganda is a vital tool in the national war effort. It appeals to people’s minds, muscles, and money to sacrifice for the cause. In addition, propaganda informs the entire population about the war. This is one of the most powerful weapons in war. The media is the most effective tool for mobilizing a nation.