US Vs Russia

Usa Vs Russia

During the Cold War, the United States of America and Soviet Union were the two top power players. They fought on the land and on the air.

Now, under President Vladimir Putin, Russia has moved its anti-West confrontation from its own soil to the rest of the world. In the past year, Russia has been engaged in a conflict in Ukraine, which has brought U.S.-Russia relations to the lowest point in modern history.

Putin has also taken measures to counter the United States foreign policy strategy. This includes criminalizing reporting that contradicts government versions of events. He has also banned the Russian flag from competition at the Olympics.

Russia also possesses the atomic bomb. In fact, it helped the United States win World War II over Japan.

The US spends much more on its air force than Russia. It also maintains a network of military bases throughout the world. It also protects trade routes and other important infrastructure worldwide.

The United States has been an active player in the Middle East and Arab East, where it has developed strategic influence. It has also helped create a market for American exports.

Russia has also built up its military leverage in the Arab East. It has also been accused of human rights violations.

The United States has made several efforts to strengthen NATO. It has sent 14,000 troops to NATO countries, and has also provided advanced weaponry to Ukraine. It also has helped Ukrainian citizens with humanitarian aid. It has also imposed several rounds of sanctions on Moscow.