Usa Vs Russia

Usa Vs Russia

While Russia’s military is not as sophisticated as America’s, its weapons systems are very well-suited for the types of combat that most countries fight. The country has a robust air defense and a wide range of tactical and cruise missiles that can be deployed on the ground, sea, or in space.

Despite the Kremlin’s conspiratorial and paranoid mindset, its leaders understand that they face real, serious military challenges. This is why they have created institutions to undergird a continuing presence in the erstwhile Soviet Union, declared their responsibility to protect ethnic Russians and other “compatriots” (so-called) strewn across the former Soviet republics, and asserted that Russia has a right to a sphere of influence in its neighborhood.

The Kremlin also knows that the United States’s globe-spanning force would clobber its own in a toe-to-toe conventional fight. That’s why it is deploying land forces, naval and air assets, and investing in its own counter-stealth technologies.

Still, the gap in military capability remains immense. The USA spends nearly 10 times more on national defense than Russia, operates 10 aircraft carriers, and possesses far more nuclear submarines. And the country has far more people and territory to deploy its power over – 22.5 Russians per square mile versus 90.6 Americans. In addition, the US military is much better suited for long-range operations thanks to its fleet of satellites, drones, and aircraft carriers.