World news is news from all over the world. This information may be gleaned from the news media, NGOs, or individuals.
Traditionally, journalists used the term in the context of news reporting, but nowadays it refers to the use of social networks to gather, disseminate, and analyze information. Similarly, it is used to describe a wide range of technologies and innovations that have influenced the way people consume and share information.
A correspondent is a reporter who covers a region, country, or continent. They may also be a stringer, or a reporter working overseas without a permanent contract.
News reporters are often expected to present unbiased coverage of events, although some governments impose constraints on their impartiality. For example, the United Kingdom government agency Ofcom enforces the requirement for broadcasters to refrain from bias, except in clearly outlined editorial articles.
The Internet has also played a role in the proliferation of news, as it allows journalists to produce and distribute content on a global scale. In the 21st century, it has given rise to citizen journalists and automated news gathering.
However, there are several different ways that journalists report, and a number of competing models, including the traditional telegraph, the telephone, and the internet.
One of the best examples of this is the modern day wire service. These services are organizations that provide journalists and news organizations with news reports in bulk via electronic means.
The most common form of news reports involve wars, news from government or private institutions, and general news. Some newspapers even use a special envoy to cover specific topics.