What is World News?

World News

World News is the news media jargon for news that comes from other countries, or is about global issues. This is the broad subject matter that most newspapers and other news sources cover on a regular basis. It includes foreign wars and other conflicts (although conflict journalism tends to be a subfield of national or local reporting for the media of belligerent countries), but also involves topics such as climate change, international diplomacy, immigration and terrorism. It can also involve news from other continents or other parts of the world, and it can include reports from international organizations like the UN or NATO.

The most important figure in the history of world news may have been Joseph Pulitzer, who transformed a sleepy little newspaper called the New York World into the largest newspaper in the country. He accomplished this by introducing drama to the news—he turned news articles into stories with a plot, actors in conflict and plenty of colorful details. The dramatic focus was a major innovation in journalism, and it helped to create intense public interest.

In addition, the invention of telegraph technology allowed news to be distributed much faster than before, and this speedy distribution was another factor in creating interest in world news. The world is a big place, and it is nearly impossible for any one newspaper to cover everything that happens in it. Therefore, it is often necessary for news sources to choose what they cover carefully.

There are some books that describe how the media selects what it covers, and how certain kinds of information are distorted or left out. For example, Mort Rosenblum has written several books about the media, including “Tainted Truth: The Manipulation of Fact in America” (1993). Paul Weaver’s “News and the Culture of Lying: How Journalism Really Works” (1994) is another good source for information on how the news is made.

A lot of money is invested in trying to influence the way that the media presents information. This is true both for government officials and private businesspeople. The latter are often quite effective in their attempts to shape how news is shaped, and the public perceives various events or policies. An incident from my own experience managing communications for a large bank illustrates this point nicely. It is important for businesses to recognize that the media are highly influenced by the perception of events, and that they need to take active steps to influence this perception. Otherwise, their reputations and their financial futures can be hurt by what the public hears about them. This can even lead to lawsuits from disgruntled customers or investors. This is why it is so important for businesses to have a strong communications and crisis management plan in place.