World News

World News

World News, also known as international news, is news originating outside the United States. World news can be about a specific country or a general global subject. This type of news is most often broadcast on television. In addition to breaking news, world news covers global issues. For instance, a report on the economy of an African country may be called world news.

Many journalists specialize in world news, but in the United States the distinction between world news and “national” news is blurred. In the United States, national news refers to news about the country and government. It also includes reports on wars and multilateral organizations. However, the United States government’s involvement in world affairs is often referred to as “national news.”

Topics covered by news sources vary, but common news topics include war, politics, government, health, education, economy, environment, sports, entertainment, and zany events. News is typically broadcast 24 hours a day, albeit with some exceptions. The speed of news dissemination has accelerated due to technological developments. Social developments, such as government-run communication networks, have also affected the content of news.

Many single-party governments have state-run news organizations. These news sources may present the government’s perspective or be biased. The objective of state-run news organizations is to influence the political process and promote their agenda. As such, they are the most centralized news sources. However, there are still many specialized news sources that provide news and opinion.

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