Writing Fiction With Conflict


In the world of fiction, conflict can be described as an obstacle in the way of a character achieving their goals. It can be either thwarted or endangered, resulting in two things incompatible with each other. In short, conflict is a fundamental element of fiction, and if we write a story with it, we create a sense of tension that will hold the reader’s attention. If you’ve never written conflict before, it’s time you tried!

Before beginning a negotiation, it’s important to understand the different positions of your opponents and their motivations. Often, it’s easier to make peace with opponents if you understand what their interests are, rather than their reasons for opposing them. This can help you to build goodwill and improve the relationship in the future. Here are a few tips to get you started:

When negotiating a conflict, try to keep in mind that you will both have a stake in the outcome and will work to resolve the conflict. Regardless of who has the most power in the situation, it’s better to acknowledge the emotional issue than to re-enter the conflict by being right. Getting right may not be the best option, as being right may trap you in a situation. For example, two witnesses to a car accident may have different perspectives on the same event, so what constitutes the truth will not necessarily be the case.

A common example of a story with a strong conflict is the protagonist vs. a powerful opponent. In other words, a conflict is a character’s desire to achieve a certain goal. The goal itself can be the protagonist’s motivation, but without the conflict, the story would be a dull, lifeless affair. There are four types of conflict in fiction: Internal, External, and Philosophical. Each has its own purpose, but all of them involve an element of conflict.

Ideally, the resolution of a conflict is a win-win situation for both sides. When conflict cannot be resolved in this way, the best solution is a negotiated solution. Although this may not be possible for some circumstances, it’s worth exploring. A better solution than a reversal or escalation is always better than no resolution at all. If it’s not possible to come to a compromise, you can always seek out third-party arbitration.

In a group, the process of conflict resolution begins with listening to both sides of a conflict. You should identify each party’s position and interests. Once you’ve done this, you can then begin the process of resolving the conflict. In the process, you’ll be able to reach an agreement on a resolution. Even if the opposing side is unwilling to cooperate, the mediator will help resolve the conflict and avoid the consequences.

In a village in Sierra Leone, a dispute between two rival villages has been brewing for years, but recently seems to be worse. One youth has died in a violent soccer match, and the village of the dead boy has rumored to attack the other village. The local UN Civil Affairs officer is called in to mediate the dispute and restore calm. The two villages are unlikely to resolve the conflict, unless the existing chief reaches a settlement with the conflicting villages.

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