What is Conflict and How Does it Relate to the Story Arc?


Conflict is an integral part of the story arc and helps connect readers to a story. It occurs when one character is faced with problems, whether internal or external, or when he or she is in conflict with forces or other characters. It is what draws the reader into the story and gives it deeper meaning. Here are some common examples of conflicts in stories. Let’s begin with the term “conflict.” But what is conflict? How does it relate to the story arc?

First of all, conflict is a problem of differences. When people do not share the same values, perceptions, or ideas, conflict occurs. This often triggers the emergence of deep personal needs. From the need to be respected and valued, to the need for intimacy, conflicts can be very damaging. But it is also a sign of change. If we look at the roots of conflict, it may help to understand how we can resolve it better.

The origin of conflict is a clash of values. It is when people disagree with each other about values, beliefs, or ideas. In other words, conflict arises when the people involved are competing for resources or goals. This competition can lead to a plethora of different forms of physical, mental, and spiritual problems. As a result, it is important to recognize and resolve the cause of conflict, and to prevent it. Aside from being a dangerous thing, conflict can also be a good thing.

When a conflict happens, it can be very unpleasant for everyone. People often feel uncomfortable or hurt when they are confronted by another person. It can even result in break-ups. Ultimately, conflict is a good thing if it is resolved in a healthy way. The best way to deal with it is to be understanding. When we understand the other person, we can build trust and strengthen relationships. So, take care to understand what conflicts are and how to handle them.

The root cause of conflict is a difference of values. When two people are competing for resources or goals, they are in conflict. This causes a number of problems for both parties. Regardless of the reason, it’s not only a problem for the other person. The only solution is to solve the conflict. In addition to preventing breakups, conflict can be a healthy way to resolve a conflict in a relationship. So, how do you do this?

The first step in resolving a conflict is to identify the type of conflict. The most common form of conflict is interpersonal. There are two types of conflict: social and intragroup. The former is between two people, while the latter is between two groups. In both cases, the goal of one party is to gain the upper-hand. Generally, interpersonal conflicts are the most common. But they can be triggered by other factors, such as race, gender, or economic status.

The Definition of War

Despite the ethical importance of war, it is a complex subject. What is war, how is it fought, and what are its causes? The Geneva Convention, adopted in 1949, sets forth the basic principles of human conflict. It demands that combatants minimize the number of civilian casualties, damage, and injuries. In addition, this treaty requires that they reduce the risk of harming innocents. While this is an incredibly broad topic, there are some basic guidelines to follow.


The word “war” is not synonymous with the term “warfare.” It should be a more narrowly defined term, as it raises normative and authorial issues. While war is a legitimate state policy, it is not an acceptable practice to allow any kind of violence on your territory. It is also important to consider that a war may be a political or social problem that does not have a definite solution. It may also result in the destruction of a community or nation.

Another problem with the OED’s definition is that it does not capture all forms of conflict. For example, it does not include non-state peoples. It excludes culturally evolved wars. It also excludes highly organized, politically controlled wars. A third problem arises from its ambiguous nature. It allows for the examination of “guerrilla uprisings” or non-state actions. Rather than merely focusing on the state, this definition is more inclusive.

Although the definition of war remains broadly the same, a working definition of war allows for greater flexibility. It can be used to describe conflicts between state-based entities and non-state peoples, as well as state-declared acts of terrorism. It also includes guerrilla uprisings and other non-state actions. It may even be used to define culturally-developed and politically controlled wars. Ultimately, this working definition of war should be narrowed.

The language of war is too wide. Its broad definition does not include non-state peoples, non-state groups, and cultural groups. The language of war should be more specific. This way, the word can be defined more accurately. The definition of war does not define all types of conflict. It may also define the way that a war is conducted. It is essential to make sure that the definition is accurate. It should be a simple and straightforward term that is understood by people.

While the language of war has a wide range of meanings, it should not be confused with the words warfare. It is a term that is used in a wide range of contexts. The language of war may be used to describe a situation involving state-based forces and non-state actors. For instance, a culture may be in conflict with its neighbours. Therefore, it is important to define what is considered a war.