9News – Breaking News From Around the World

world news

World news or international news is the term used in media jargon for news that concerns a country or global subject. It is a major branch of journalism, and is distinct from national news (which covers only events within the borders of a particular nation) although it can be difficult to distinguish between the two. At the dawn of modern journalism, most news was either sent from abroad by foreign correspondents or obtained through distance communication technologies such as telegraph and later satellite TV and the Internet. World news can also include a number of specific subfields such as war reporting, which is largely considered to be a separate field from domestic politics and economic news (although the latter can often be classified as world news).

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A thief on the run is hunted in the city of Melbourne. The alleged robber was shot by police near his home in the suburb of Coburg.

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How to Write a Conflict Essay


Conflict is a powerful literary device that can make a story compelling, engaging and memorable. It creates tension by pushing the protagonist up against an opposing force and is a necessary element of every narrative. In this article we will be examining the basic types of conflict and how to write an essay that successfully addresses it.

A well-written conflict essay explains the various aspects of a particular conflict from multiple perspectives while presenting the main points and facts in a clear and concise manner. It is important to include all relevant information so that the audience is aware of the context in which the conflict occurred and the underlying causes and motivations of all involved parties. This helps the reader understand how the conflict developed and what steps are needed to resolve it.

To begin, the writer should define the conflict and provide background information about the parties involved and the key events. It is also helpful to give an overview of the current situation and how the conflict has evolved over time. Finally, the writer should explain the different viewpoints on the conflict and present evidence to support each one. The writer should use credible sources to provide the reader with unbiased information.

It is important to listen to the other person’s opinion, even if you disagree with it. This shows respect and demonstrates that you care about what they think. It is also a good idea to look for common interests, as they can be a great way to build bridges and find a resolution. For example, Jenny and Ali both want stability and public respect. By focusing on these common goals, they can work together to achieve them.

There are many different reasons for conflict, such as differences in culture, religion, and educational background, lack of communication, or power struggles. It can be hard to avoid, but it is important to recognize the warning signs of a conflict and be proactive in finding solutions. If you are not able to come up with a solution, it may be wise to find a mediator, someone who is neutral and can help both sides reach a compromise.

The most important thing to remember is that conflict can be a powerful tool for good or bad. It can bring people together and make them realize they have a shared goal, or it can tear them apart and lead to bitterness and anger. Conflict can also reveal the true nature of a person’s character and cause them to change their beliefs, values and behaviors.

To create conflict in a fiction story, the writer must set up forces of antagonism that are in polar opposition to the protagonist’s desired outcome. These can be other characters, natural elements, society as a whole or even the protagonist themselves. The more a character is pushed against their own desires, the more they will develop and the more interesting your story will be. It is also important to make sure that the conflicts are realistic and believable so that they will be compelling.

The Philosophy of War


Some philosophers define War as a conflict between states in which the use of force is necessary in order to achieve a political objective. Others, such as Carl von Clausewitz, argue that war is a continuance of politics by other means, and that it is inevitable if a state cannot successfully impose its national interests on the rest of the world by peaceful means. These views are not mutually exclusive, but reflect different approaches to determining the cause and nature of warfare.

Some philosophical theorists believe that the major causes of War are to be found in human psychological nature. This approach can range from very broad and intuitive assertions about human nature to complex analyses using concepts and techniques of modern psychology.

Still others, particularly those who are not committed to biological determinism, see the major causes of war in the structure and culture of nations or peoples. Such a view may be based on the assumption that war results from an inherently belligerent nature of human beings or that particular cultures are more prone to war than others.

In this view the problem of preventing war is largely a matter of educating nations and peoples to be more cautious in making statements that might be taken as threatening to start a war or that may seem to indicate a willingness to initiate military aggression. It is also a matter of ensuring that the international legal system has the means to prosecute war criminals once they have committed acts of aggression.

A third approach to the prevention of war focuses on economic penalties against countries that threaten or attempt aggression. It is generally believed that a country bent upon aggression will not carry out such an attack if it can no longer import manufactured goods, foodstuffs, raw materials and other necessities from the rest of the world. Thus it is hoped that if a large enough number of peace-desiring nations are willing to boycott any country that seeks to invade the territory of other nations, this will deter aggressive behavior.

Ultimately, the issue of preventing War is a philosophical issue and is settled by the will of the majority of a nation’s citizens. As such, it requires a great deal of careful thinking and discussion by citizens. It is not a topic to be left to those in power, especially those who have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo of the nation.

Whatever definition of War is used, it is clear that this is an extremely dangerous and deadly phenomenon. Yet it is one that can be prevented, if people are willing to do some hard thinking and discuss the issues involved thoroughly. If not, the current system of armed conflicts will continue to wreak havoc and blood, and those who live in this world must be ready to question the assumptions that underlie such conflicts and their justifications. This will not be easy or quick, but it is essential if peace is to be achieved in this world.

World War I

world war

No other war in history has been so long anticipated, so carefully prepared for and thoroughly discussed, not only in the privy councils but also in the press of every nation. Every European soldier thought he knew where his uniform and rifle were stored, with whom and when he was going to fight.

The short-term causes of the conflict were the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist on 28 June 1914, which precipitated the war between the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey) and the Triple Entente (Britain and the British Empire, France and Russia and their allies). Rivalry between Germany and Britain had been growing for years.

Long-term causes included imperialism, which made countries more powerful by extending their control over colonial nations, creating tension and rivalry. Also, nationalism encouraged people to decide their loyalty based on ethnic or cultural background rather than shared interests and ideals. In addition, military technology was developing rapidly, leading to bigger and more destructive weapons.

Soldiers endured appalling conditions as they marched through the bleak landscape of “No Man’s Land,” the muddy and dangerous territory between the trenches of opposing armies. They suffered from a variety of diseases including trench foot, rheumatism and diarrheal illnesses such as trench mouth. Poison gases and tanks were new offensive weapons that helped to reshape the battlefield. These were designed to help infantry advance across barbed wire and exploding mines that blocked passage.

The Best Reasons to Visit Ukraine


Ukraine has been at the center of a geopolitical storm, but it’s also home to incredible food, culture and history. From borscht to varenyky, there are many reasons to love Ukraine.

Following the collapse of czarist Russia in 1917, Ukraine achieved short-lived independence before being reconquered by Soviet rule, which engineered two forced famines that killed 7 to 8 million Ukrainians. The legacy of dictatorship, repression and patronage politics stalled economic reform and civil liberties.

The current political system is a semi-presidential republic with a unicameral legislature; an executive branch led by the president, who is head of state and commander in chief; and a Cabinet of Ministers. The country’s Ministry of Internal Affairs, which oversees police and other law enforcement personnel, reports to the cabinet; while the Security Service of Ukraine, responsible for state security broadly defined as nonmilitary intelligence, counterintelligence, and counterterrorism matters, reports to the president.

In 2019, voters elected TV star and neophyte politician Volodymyr Zelenskyy to replace Poroshenko, who had served since 2014. Amid a backdrop of fighting with Russian-backed separatists, he pledged to refocus on economic development, fight corruption and graft, and protect the rights of women, children, and minorities.

Although the Ukrainian constitution and law prohibit arbitrary detention, human rights groups criticized the number of cases where this occurred. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU) documented at least 53 alleged cases of arbitrary detention in 2019.

The chernozems—which cover about two-thirds of Ukraine’s territory—are among the world’s most fertile soils. They can be divided into three broad zones: in the north a belt of the so-called deep chernozems, which are up to 5 feet (1.5 metres) thick and rich in humus; in central Ukraine a zone of prairie, or ordinary, chernozems that are much thinner, but still have a high yield; and in the south a belt of sand and sandy loam, which are less productive.

With an abundance of natural resources, Ukraine has historically been a major producer and exporter of grain, timber, steel, machine equipment, energy, chemicals, automobiles, and raw materials. Known as one of the traditional breadbaskets of the world, it is today home to seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It is also a popular tourist destination, especially for its beautiful landscapes and historical sites. The country’s many rivers and lakes add to the appeal, as do its famous artisanal products such as ceramics and leather goods. The country is also a leader in biotechnology, with significant research in pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and medicine. In addition, it has a large and active diaspora in the US, UK, Germany, Israel, Australia, and elsewhere.

US Vs Russia

Usa Vs Russia

Usa Vs Russia

Until recently, US-Russian ties were a mixture of cooperation and competition. But in the wake of the crisis in Ukraine, the Obama administration has focused on a hardline approach, imposing rafts of sanctions and expelling diplomats. The recent clash between US and Russian fighter jets in international airspace — in which a drone was downed by the Russian aircraft — underscores the risks of this policy. It also highlights the need for a clear, positive formulation of U.S. objectives that focuses on Ukraine and freedom, not Russia’s geostrategic position or power.

In the past, Washington was willing to cooperate with Russia on issues such as maritime law and trade. But the United States did not embrace Putin’s view that Chechen rebels and Ukrainian activists had genuine agency in world affairs; that only great powers counted; and that he was not just the last of the Tsars, but one of the most important and powerful in history.

That era is over. As a matter of policy, the United States no longer views cooperation with Russia as a possibility and is instead focused on knocking Russia out of the ranks of the great powers. The policy of pursuing a hardline against Russia is not just necessary for Ukrainian security, it is crucial for the United States to preserve its own standing in the world. And, if we don’t succeed in bringing Russia to its senses, the next crisis could be much more severe and potentially catastrophic.

Liberal Vs Democrat

Liberal vs Democrat

A liberal is someone who believes in liberalism, a political philosophy that focuses on freedoms and equality. Those who identify as liberal may or may not align with the Democratic party, which is one of two major political parties in the United States.

Generally, people who believe in liberalism tend to favor social reform and economic policy that aims to reduce poverty while promoting equal opportunities. They support progressive taxation, which means that those who earn more money pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes. They also usually support policies that protect previously disadvantaged groups, such as the death penalty and women’s rights.

On the other hand, those who believe in conservatism are often wary of government intervention in the economy. They believe the government should only be involved in regulating certain things, like the environment or public safety. In addition, those who hold conservative beliefs believe that the government should not interfere with religion or family.

The biggest distinction between liberals and conservatives has to do with how much they believe in personal freedoms. Liberals are more likely to prioritize freedom and equality over limiting personal choices, while conservatives focus on preserving the past and maintaining traditional values.

According to a 2021 Gallup poll, Americans’ political ideologies have not changed much in the last decade, but the number of liberals has gone up slightly as a percentage of the overall population. Those who identify as Democrats, however, have seen the biggest shifts. People with the highest education levels have become more likely to be liberal than those without a college degree.

How to Get a Visa for Russia


Russia stretches nearly halfway around the world and encompasses most of eastern Europe and northern Asia. Its vast size gives it an immense variety of landscapes. Arctic deserts give way to tundra and forest zones that make up the bulk of Russia’s land area. The northerly latitude means a short growing season, and most of the country’s land is characterized by permafrost that makes roads and settlement difficult to build.

The Russian Federation is a post-Soviet state that seeks to reassert itself as a global power. Its wealth comes from vast natural resources, above all oil and gas. Its state-run energy monopoly Gazprom supplies a significant share of Europe’s gas needs. Its political class has largely been dominated by Vladimir Putin since 2000, who has enhanced his control over the state and media while encouraging fierce nationalism and hostility to the West.

At its peak in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the Russian Empire was a major world power on an equal footing with France, Prussia and Austria. Its cultural output was also a high point, producing such enlightened figures as Catherine the Great and Tolstoy. But the gulf between dynasty and its subjects grew wide as time passed, and the empire crumbled in the aftermath of Napoleon’s disastrous invasion.

In the twentieth century, the Soviet Union replaced the monarchy with a totalitarian system headed by Lenin and later Stalin. He used the Red Army to kill or exile millions of political opponents, destroy the remnants of the Romanov Empire and turn the country’s agriculture and industry into giant state-owned enterprises.

Today’s Russia is a nation of 148 million people, including 130 ethnic groups that speak many different languages and follow a variety of religions. Its diversity and wealth of history make it an excellent place to visit.

If you’re planning a trip to Russia, start the visa process early. The process may take up to six weeks, and it’s best to use a travel agency that can arrange visas for all countries you plan to visit in advance and help with key transport bookings.

Once you arrive, make sure to register your visa within seven days of arrival (excluding weekends and public holidays). The obligation to do so is imposed by law and enforced by the police. This is done to prevent smuggling and illegal immigration. You must register with the hotel or hostel where you’re staying or with your landlord, host family or friend if you’re staying in a private residence. The registration form requires your full name and passport number. The address is also required, as well as your entry and exit dates written according to European calendar convention (day/month/year). If you do not register, you could face a fine or even deportation. The same applies to foreigners who have a work permit or student visa. Make sure to carry your registration receipt at all times. You can download the official registration form from the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Russian Vs Ukraine

Russian Vs Ukraine

The seeds of Russia’s war against Ukraine were sown in 2013, when Moscow persuaded the country’s pro-Russian leader to reject an association agreement with the European Union, prompting massive protests that ultimately brought him down. Russia launched a full-scale land, sea, and air invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, and sparked an escalating crisis that threatens global stability.

The United States is committed to supporting Ukraine “as long as it takes,” and has committed nearly forty billion dollars in security assistance, including nineteen billion for military aid. The Biden administration has also provided superior Ukrainian weapons, including air defense systems and top-tier battle tanks.

Despite all the suffering, Ukraine has not lost its sense of national unity. Ukraine’s leaders have a strong mandate to push for a negotiated settlement that respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. In addition, the country has reformed its military to make it more independent of political control.

As for the occupied regions of Luhansk and Donetsk, many people there are not prepared to accept Russian occupation. Polls show that they overwhelmingly prefer a pro-Western political option, and voter behavior in regional elections has been driven by bread and butter concerns as well as hopes for resolving the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

The Kremlin appears to have underestimated the depth of this shift in Ukrainian identity. Its gamble that enough Ukrainians would accept reintegration into the Russian sphere of influence is a dangerous miscalculation.

What is World News?

World News

World News is a journalistic field dealing with international or global subjects. This includes war reporting (although this can also be considered national for the media of belligerent nations themselves), summits of international organizations like the UN, and so on. It is also the name of an area in which most major news agencies specialize.

The term was coined in the 17th century, when newspapers first began to appear in Western Europe, but at that point most of them were foreign, as registered by their courants — or headlines — such as “The Daily Courant of London” or “The Nieuwe Tijudinger of Antwerp.” By the 19th century, innovations in telecommunication made it easier to publish and spread the news, leading to the founding of a number of news agencies, including Reuters, AFP and Wolff (currently DPA).

In the United States, there is often a blurring of the distinction between world and domestic news, especially since war coverage falls under this category. But there are still some distinct differences between the two: world news is typically more political, while domestic news focuses more on social or economic issues.

In the months leading up to Election Day, fake news sites ran a series of articles that falsely claimed Pope Francis endorsed Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton sold weapons to ISIS. Despite the fact that these stories were clearly marked as satire, they went viral and generated over a million engagements on Facebook alone. This lesson explores the difference between real and fake news and gives students tools to identify it for themselves.