9News – World News

9News brings you the latest world news headlines from around the globe. Follow world news on TV and online from our dedicated team of international journalists.

World news refers to global events, issues or stories that are of interest to most people worldwide – such as wars that affect all nations or a meeting of major world powers. It is a term that was not widely used at the birth of modern journalism, but it is now an important part of any media outlet.

The latest world news includes Russian airstrikes on the Ukrainian capital of Kharkiv that have killed a woman and wounded scores. The mother of a man who killed his fiancee and himself has written to him saying she would help him ‘dispose of a body’ or ‘bake a cake with a file in it’. The president of Poland says he will sign a controversial law creating an investigative commission that critics say is aimed at removing his political opponents from office.

Egypt’s antiquities authorities have unveiled ancient workshops and tombs found at a Pharaonic necropolis near the city of Cairo. The death of rock ‘n’ roll legend Tina Turner, who was dubbed the Queen of Rock and Roll, has prompted a deluge of praise and tributes.

The latest World Press Trends survey offers insight into the state of freedom of expression and media development worldwide. The report is the result of an enormous undertaking by dozens of national newspaper and media associations with support from global data suppliers including ZenithOptimedia, IPSOS, comScore and RAM. It is available to UNESCO Member States, intergovernmental bodies, the private sector and civil society organisations.

World War II

world war

World War II lasted six bloody years from the Nazi invasion of Poland in 1939 to the final surrender of Japan on August 15, 1945. It was the deadliest and most destructive war in history, involving 30 countries, with an estimated 60-80 million people killed—most of them civilians. It was also the first time that nuclear weapons were used.

The world was polarized into two opposing blocs of totalitarian nations and their allies, the Central Powers and the Allies. The conflict was sparked by the need to control foreign territories and natural resources, which drove nations into agreements, or alliances, that guaranteed support from other states in case of war.

Militarism was rife, and the era saw a growing appetite among governments to spend enormous sums to build the largest army and navy possible. In the early twentieth century, Britain spotted an advantage in Germany’s obsession with speed, and designed a revolutionary new battleship, called HMS Dreadnought. Germany rushed to catch up and passed naval acts that raised money for new super-ships, creating a fierce arms race.

When the Lusitania, a passenger ship carrying more than 1,200 people including 128 Americans, was sunk by German submarines in May 1915, public opinion shifted away from neutrality and toward support of the Allies. Woodrow Wilson campaigned for re-election on the slogan “He Kept Us Out of War.” Women from groups such as the Mothers’ Crusade and the America First Committee picketed British ambassadors to protest British involvement in the war.

Understanding the Concept of War


A war is a conflict between state-like entities. It is usually a violent confrontation that may include the use of regular or irregular military forces. It can take many forms, from negotiated ceasefires to a ruthless campaign of destruction. The aims of states in war may be political, economic or territorial in nature. It can also be a form of conflict between non-state actors, as in the case of insurgencies or terrorism. In terms of the human costs, it can be extremely destructive to individuals and communities. Deaths as a result of war are well documented but other consequences of it, such as long term disability, poverty, malnutrition, social/economic disintegration and mental illness, have not been as widely recognised.

The nature of war has changed considerably over time. In recent years the ability of non-state actors to acquire weapons and engage in violence has dramatically increased. As the globalisation of the world has expanded, so too has the international scale of conflicts.

This trend has created new possibilities of conflict and in turn stimulated the development of innovative military technologies. The proliferation of weapons has made warfare more unpredictable and difficult to control. Moreover, the increasing globalisation has meant that the boundaries between state and non-state actors have become less defined.

These developments are transforming the way that the world views war. On one hand, some argue that war is not only a ‘natural’ phenomenon that the strong nation has a right to impose upon the weak. Others, such as fascists, assert that there is a need to use force in order to fulfil the will of the people.

Yet other states view war as a strategic tool that is used to achieve political ends by means that may not be considered moral or ethical. These views are based on the idea that war can be controlled, influenced and even prevented through sound planning and the exercise of the strategic imagination.

A third perspective argues that the use of military force is an essential feature of modern politics. It considers war as a ‘clash between major interests, which can only be resolved by bloodshed’. This argument is based on the fact that there are some states that are not willing to compromise with others and that they may be reluctant to make peace.

Whether this perspective is correct is not clear but it does highlight the importance of considering how the concept of war is understood. The word itself is often used in a colloquial sense, as children do when they play games, and it is not necessarily understood as referring to a state-sponsored attack. This makes it particularly important to develop a working definition of war that includes the range of possible perspectives. This will allow us to better understand the changing nature of this phenomenon. It will also enable us to distinguish between the traditional, rationalist view of war and more alternative models such as guerrilla wars.

US Vs Russia Simulation

Usa Vs Russia

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin warned Russia on Wednesday that any further violations of Ukraine’s airspace will lead to a response. He also reaffirmed that lines of communication remain open.

A new simulation by researchers at Princeton University paints a terrifying picture of what a plausible US-Russian nuclear war would look like. The simulation uses realistic nuclear force postures, targets and fatality estimates to show what would happen in the first few hours of such a conflict.

Despite their bluster and Cold War-era levels of brinksmanship, the United States and Russia have little in common militarily. The American military’s globe-spanning force would clobber the Russian military in any toe-to-toe conventional fight, experts agree. But modern wars are rarely such fights. Instead, geography, politics and terrain inevitably give one side an advantage. Today the United States spends 10 times more on national defense than Russia, operates a 10-carrier fleet, maintains a broad technology edge and has vastly superior power projection capabilities around the world.

Nevertheless, the confrontation over Ukraine has revived Cold War-levels of suspicion, antagonism and gamesmanship between two nuclear-armed giants. It’s also renewed public concern about the future of NATO and heightened anxiety about what Putin might do next. Still, the latest Pew Research Center poll shows that partisan attitudes toward Russia have been stabilizing, and deeply unfavorable views of Moscow have declined from their peak in 2020. Democrats, older Americans and those who think it’s important for the U.S. to consider the interests of other countries give more support to NATO.

The Food and Wine of Ukraine


Ukraine is a nation divided between those who support greater integration with Western political institutions, including the EU and NATO, and those who want to maintain close economic and political ties with Russia. During its three decades of independence, Kyiv has sought to balance its foreign relations and bridge deep internal divisions. In the wake of Russia’s invasion in 2022, Ukrainians have renewed their commitment to defending their sovereign state and are determined to prevent further escalation that could include a Russian nuclear strike.

The majority of the country’s population is Orthodox Christian or Eastern rite Catholic, but there are also Roman rite Catholics, Protestants, Jews and followers of other religions. The language spoken is Ukrainian, which is part of the Slavic family of languages and is written using the Cyrillic alphabet (as are Russian and Belarusian). Due to centuries of intense Russification, many people are bilingual in both Russian and Ukrainian. Some, particularly in the eastern parts of the country, consider themselves ethnically Russian and identify with the Russian Federation rather than Ukraine, although this is not necessarily a sign of loyalty.

During the winter months, it is common to eat hearty stews and soups like okroshka and borscht. Both are based on the same base: a combination of beets (sour or sweet) with a meat or vegetable stock and other vegetables. The beets give the dish its signature color and a tang that can be enhanced by adding some caraway or other spices to the preparation. The stews and soups are often served with a dollop of soured cream.

Other traditional dishes include holubtsi, which are dumplings that can be stuffed with a variety of ingredients from mashed potatoes and sauerkraut to raw minced pork or even boiled crayfish. Another comfort food is oladky, which are light, fluffy pancakes made from flour and water with or without egg. The addition of beetroot lends them a distinct and pleasing flavor that would appeal to any Eastern European palate.

Wine is an integral part of the Ukrainian diet, and a growing number of wineries are producing world-class varietals and blends. I’m thrilled to be importing my first and currently only shipment of Ukrainian wines from one of my fantastic importers, with bottles coming in from Beykush, Stakhovsky and Villa Tinta! I have a beautiful, easy drinking rose from Beykush with notes of strawberries, barberries and duchesse, as well as a dry red made from the South African variety of Pinotage.

The Best Reasons to Travel to Russia


Russia’s breath-taking architecture – onion-shaped domes inspired by exotic Byzantine imperial palaces, towering cathedrals and ancient castles built to fend off the fear-inspiring Mongol Golden Horde – and its continent-spanning railroads offer endless travel possibilities. But Russia also has a deep, breathing history that has left its mark on both the country and human civilization as we know it.

As the world’s population grows, a large territory that can sustain life is of tremendous value and Russia certainly has that. Russia’s vast natural resources are another big draw. Despite its forbidding climate and harsh winters, the Russian land has always been a rich source of crops, raw materials and precious metals. These abundant resources helped the nation to rise as a global power.

While the stereotype of Russians is that they’re gruff and serious, it’s hard not to fall in love with their warmth and good humor. They are very family-oriented and tend to get straight to the point with their communication. While non-Russians are sometimes taken aback by their bluntness, most find it refreshing and honest.

Unlike Western nations that often enclose their borders with fences and walls, Russia embraces its diversity. With more than 100 languages spoken, 160 distinct ethnic groups call the nation home. Russia’s most numerous groups identify as Eastern Christian Orthodox but Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and ancient animistic religions all have strong followings here.

The Russian landscape is vast and varied with 26 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. From the pristine Western Caucasus Mountains to Siberia’s Lake Baikal and Kamchatka’s Pacific coast, natural splendour is on display. Its wilderness areas boast an incredible diversity of wildlife, from tiger and brown bear to polar bear and lemming.

While Russia’s urban centres are vibrant and thriving, it is also possible to discover remote, traditional communities in the far reaches of its sprawling territory. In these untouched, wild regions, the rhythms of nature are stronger than in any city. It’s a chance to see a different side of Russia – one that is more rustic and authentic.

A well-planned trip to Russia is guaranteed to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Ahead of your journey, familiarize yourself with the country’s visa requirements and application process. They vary depending on your nationality and where you are traveling to in Russia, but it’s important to plan ahead. Be sure to contact your embassy or consulate to learn more.

Liberal Vs Democrat

Liberal vs Democrat

The terms Liberal vs Democrat are often used interchangeably, as the Democratic Party has traditionally been associated with liberalism (a political philosophy based on belief in progress) and Republicans have been associated with conservatism (a belief in tradition and social stability). However, some people believe that there is a significant difference between the beliefs of those who identify as Liberal and those who identify as Democrat.

For example, some Liberals – who are known as economic liberals – focus on the dangers of an over-mighty state and prefer small and non-interventionist government. By contrast, others – who are known as social liberals – place greater emphasis on the need for state action to redress inequality and tackle climate change.

In addition, some people who identify as Liberal – including those who belong to the Lib Dems – are pro-choice when it comes to abortion rights. By contrast, some Democrats are anti-choice and oppose government regulation of personal matters such as sexual and social behaviors.

In general, Democrat-aligned groups tend to favor bigger government providing more services and are more likely than Republican-aligned groups to oppose increases in military spending. Meanwhile, Outsider Left, the youngest of our typology groups, are almost all liberal in their politics and beliefs, yet they’re deeply frustrated with the Democratic Party and its leaders. We see a clear link between their frustration and the tendency to identify as Liberal, although they don’t necessarily agree with every detail of the Democratic Party platform.

The United States Will Remain With Ukraine For As Long As it Takes

Russian Vs Ukraine

The United States has rallied the world to Ukraine’s defense, working with our allies and partners to provide critical security, economic, and humanitarian assistance while leading unprecedented efforts to impose costs on Russia for its aggression. This week, President Biden traveled to Kyiv and Warsaw to send a powerful message that the United States will remain with Ukraine for as long as it takes.

In launching his unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin assumed that millions of Ukrainians were still committed to the idea of an all-Russian nation, that Ukraine’s post-Orange Revolution governments had pursued a policy of purging Russian influence under the direction of foreign sponsors, and that the only way to stop this drift toward Europe was through military force. This hubris rested on a profound misunderstanding of both the deep roots of Ukrainian identity and the degree to which Ukraine has changed in the years since the Soviet collapse.

For many Ukrainians, especially those from linguistically and regionally distinct communities, the anti-Russia project is simply unacceptable. There are millions of them, and they are being denied their right to speak up for what they believe in. Their views are vilified in the media, their legal opportunity to defend them is taken away, and some of them are even murdered.

Despite the success of Vladimir Zelensky’s campaign, Ukraine will face significant challenges in forming a functioning government that can hold its own against the forces of aggression and regain legitimacy on the ground and in the information space. Dozens of RAND experts are already working to address the wide-ranging questions that will arise on the frontlines and in the negotiating rooms.

What Is World News?

World News

World News is a broad term used in journalism to describe information about events that take place outside of a country’s borders. Also known as international news, world news is usually reported by foreign correspondents or, more recently, through distance communication technologies like satellite TV and the internet. The field of world news encompasses everything from wars to global issues, such as environmental crises or the summits of multilateral organizations that affect the interests of many countries.

The origins of modern world news go back to 17th-century Europe, where the development of printing technology facilitated the spread of international news. Newspapers such as the Courant de Londres (London), Nieuwe Tijdingen (Amsterdam) and the Relation (Strasbourg) were among the first to carry world news, which was then referred to as “foreign” news.

The earliest news agencies, such as Reuters and AP, prepared articles for other newspapers to use without modification and delivered them through wire services (originally using telegraphy; now they often distribute via the Internet). Later, full-time reporters known as correspondents were stationed abroad, reporting on events they witnessed or learned about in their travels. The correspondents’ work was then sent to the news desk, where it was edited and printed in the local edition.

What Is World News?

world news

World news is the name used in journalistic jargon for foreign or international news. It is the broadest of all journalism subfields, and it includes the stories about a global subject (although if a story is about a war, that can be considered a national story for the media of belligerent countries). It is also the category of news that is sent to newspapers by foreign correspondents or – more recently – by foreign news agencies.

The most common type of reporter that focuses on world news is the correspondent. A correspondent is a full-time reporter who lives abroad and files stories regularly to a newspaper or other news outlet. He or she stays in touch with the local community and maintains contacts among diplomats, military personnel and members of civil society who can provide him or her with information.

At a time when the idea of nation-states was only just beginning to form in 17th century Europe, it took a while for newspapers to start reporting world news. However, as a result of innovations in telecommunications technology, it was soon possible to send stories to papers by telegraph from far away locations. That led to the formation of some of the first news agencies, such as AFP in France, Reuters in the UK, and Wolff (now DPA) in Germany. Since then, world news has become the core of most major news agencies’ coverage. This article was originally published on Fox News and is reprinted with permission.